
80s Flashback: Kids Getting Classic PCs on Christmas

We round up photos of kids opening classic computers of the 1980s on Christmas morning. We’re talking Commodore 64, Atari 600XL, Apple IIc, and more.
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80s Flashback: Kids Getting Classic PCs on Christmas

If you grew up celebrating Christmas, the experience of waking up on Christmas morning and discovering a cache of otherwise unattainable goodies is one that you will never, ever forget. My heart is pounding right now just writing this.

To celebrate that timeless feeling, I decided to round up 10 photos of kids on Christmas morning opening up classic computers of the 1980s. We’re talking Commodore 64, Atari 600XL, TI-99/4A, IBM PCjr, Apple IIc, and more. Many of the people involved in these photos generously shared their memories of the event and what that particular computer meant to them (they usually meant quite a bit).

When you’re done reading, feel free to tell us about your favorite Christmas computer memories in the comments. Did you ever receive a computer for Christmas? How did you feel about it at the time?

(This story was originally published on Dec. 21, 2011.)

  • Ken's Commodore 64

    Vintage excitement bursts through this photo as Ken Yee and his brother David pose with their first computer, a Commodore 64, on Christmas morning circa 1983. The Commodore 64 was a popular present for kids in the 1980s due to its low price and large library of games.

    Also seen here is a Wico Command Control Joystick, a “Music Composer” cartridge (in a box) for the Commodore 64, and a Construx building set. Classic 1980s. (Photo: Ken Yee)

  • Lacey's Atari 600XL

    Just after tearing open the wrapping of her new Atari 600XL, Lacey Gerard stops and poses for this 1985 Christmas photo.

    Today, Lacey tells tales of typing in BASIC programs from a manual but having no way to save them (her father never bought a cassette or disk drive), so she and her brother re-typed them over and over again whenever they wanted to use the machine. The machine met its early end when her little brother stuck a penny in the cartridge socket. May it rest in peace. (Photo: Susan Ward Graves)

  • Sue's Commodore 64

    Here we see 12-year-old Sue excitedly opening her first computer back in 1985. Not surprisingly, she just unwrapped a Commodore 64, which packed 64KB of RAM and a 1MHz 6510 CPU.

    More recently, Sue’s mother wrote about the computer on Flickr: “We thought this was the computer we would be sending you off to college with. Who would ever use more than 64K?” Sue replied, “I actually did use it a few times when I came home from college. I checked e-mail on it with a 300-bps modem!”(Photo: Sharon Spaulding)

  • Casey's IBM PCjr

    Christmas 1984 was made much sweeter for Casey Lunny with the arrival of a brand-new IBM PCjr base unit (the foreground box) and an official PCjr color display (on the chair behind her).

    The PCjr was IBM’s attempt to market directly to home PC users with a low-end computer capable of better graphics and sound than the IBM PC. It did not fare well, with various publications naming the computer one of the all-time worst two decades later. (Photo: Casey Lunny)

  • Kreg's Commodore 64

    “My father likes to tell everyone about that Christmas,” recalls Kreg Steppe, the boy in this 1983 photo. “After I opened it up, they didn’t see me until 8 hours later, and my eyes were bloodshot from staring at the screen.”

    Kreg Steppe credits his Commodore 64 with making Christmas 1983 the most memorable Christmas to date. He had used computers at school and dreamed of having his own machine to use as much as he wanted. That Christmas, Kreg dove in headfirst and learned as much as he could about the system—an important self-provided education, which he says set the tone for his later pursuits in web design and photography. (Photo: Kreg Steppe)

  • Andrew's Sinclair ZX Spectrum

    While American children were busy opening Commodore 64s and Atari XLs for Christmas, British kids typically dug into a home PC created by British company Sinclair Research. Here we see young Andrew Martin, a UK resident, trying out his new 16K Sinclair ZX Spectrum on Christmas morning 1983 or ’84. Many kids who received Spectrums back then grew up to be programmers, and often they credit that modest machine with jumpstarting their careers in technology. (Photo: Andrew Martin)

  • Kevin's Commodore SX-64

    The Commodore SX-64, seen here to the right of the image, was a portable, all-in-one version of the Commodore 64 released in 1984. Here we see Kevin R and a friend trying out software on the SX-64 on Christmas in the mid-1980s. (Photo: Kevin R)

  • Todd's Texas Instruments TI-99/4A

    Amid a pile of torn wrapping paper, a delighted Todd S holds up his first computer, a TI- 99/4A, on Christmas morning 1983. Todd recounted an amusing story about this picture to the now-defunct website Dork Yearbook in 2009. Upon seeing the photo some two decades later, his wife complained, “Your face didn’t light up like that at births of any of our three children!” Little does she know the true power a computer can hold over the minds of men. (Photo: Todd S)

  • Shane's Apple IIc

    The Apple IIc (1984) became a popular machine for kids in the 1980s due to its relatively low cost compared to previous Apple computers and the fact that it contained all the essential components in one box.

    Shane Woodall found a IIc under his Christmas tree in 1985 (seen here), and he used it for homework, BASIC programming, birthday cards, and even keeping books for his lemonade stand business. He stopped using the machine in 1991 when he upgraded to a newer computer, but he will never forget the machine that sparked his love for Apple. (Photo: Shane Woodall)

  • Lindsay's Magnavox Odyssey 2

    While not a PC, the Magnavox Odyssey 2 game console (1978) did technically contain a computer—and this photo was too good to resist sharing. Lindsay Gravette (seen here in ’78 or ’79) recalls his Odyssey 2 as one of the most memorable presents he’s ever received. “It was the first high-tech device in our home outside of our TV,” he says, “and it kindled my life-long love for video games.”

    Lindsay later became a graphic designer, doing work for the Game Developer’s Conference, among other clients. To this day, he still holds on to his original Odyssey because it reminds him of his youthful years. “It’s a big link to the kid I was all those years ago. Simply happiness in a box.” (Photo: Lindsay Gravette)

  • 7 Forgotten Christmas Games of Yore

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