
Don’t sleep on this Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening trailer

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The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening is a remake of the Game Boy classic from 1993, and it’s due to be released on the Nintendo Switch next week. Younger Nintendo fans likely haven’t played the original before, and older players probably haven’t done so in several years. If that sounds like you, then the game’s new overview trailer is here to help.

In the Link’s Awakening overview trailer, we’re introduced to the game’s cast of characters, which is quite different than in other Zelda games. Among them is Marin, who looks like Princess Zelda. The similarly named Tarin resembles Mario, and that isn’t the only nod to Nintendo’s most popular series, either. Chain Chomps also make an appearance.

Since the first game came out long before fans began compiling Zelda lore, Link’s Awakening remains a remarkably odd beast. Link retains several of his classic weapons and tools in Link’s Awakening on Switch, including his sword and the Hylian shield. The Power Bracelet allows him to pick up heavy objects, while the Pegasus Boots are used to sprint at high speeds. Unlike in some other Zelda games, Link cannot swim by default — the Flippers are needed to let him paddle his way across ponds.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild moved away from the traditional dungeon-based gameplay of earlier games, but Link’s Awakening will give old-school purists plenty to love. Finding items in treasure chests and solving puzzles are big parts of the gameplay loop, as is taking out the dangerous enemies that hide within them. During your adventure, you can collect pieces of “Chamber Dungeons” that you can then arrange how you see fit to make your own custom creation.

There are plenty of mini-games and activities for you to try as well, including fishing and riding on a raft down raging rapids. If you want to try your hand at a skill crane to win extra goodies, you can, and a doll of Yoshi is even available.

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening launches exclusively for the Nintendo Switch on September 20.

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