Gears & Gadgets

After Trump tweets Defcon hacking video, voting security experts call BS

Enlarge Getty Images As President Trump continues to make unfounded claims of widespread election fraud, 59 of the world’s foremost experts on electronic voting are hitting back, saying that recent allegations of actual voting machine hacking “have been unsubstantiated or are technically incoherent.” Monday’s letter came after almost two weeks of baseless and unfounded claims […]

Gears & Gadgets

Cryptography failure leads to easy hacking for PlayStation Classic

Enlarge / The PlayStation Classic’s internal USB, removed and picked at as part of the hacking effort. Yifan Lu / Twitter In the days since the PlayStation Classic’s official release, hackers have already made great progress in loading other PlayStation games (and even non-PlayStation software) onto the plug-and-play device. What’s more, it seems some sloppy […]

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Marriott Hacking Exposes Data of Up to 500 Million Guests

Supported by Marriott Hacking Exposes Data of Up to 500 Million Guests ImageMarriott International acknowledged on Friday that an “unauthorized party had copied and encrypted information” belonging to about 500 million customers on its Starwood reservations system.CreditCreditMauritz Antin/EPA, via Shutterstock By Nicole Perlroth, Amie Tsang and Adam Satariano Nov. 30, 2018 The hotel chain asked […]

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New Russian Hacking Targeted Republican Groups, Microsoft Says

New Russian Hacking Targeted Republican Groups, Microsoft Says ImageMicrosoft said it had seized fake websites, linked to a Russian military intelligence unit, meant to trick people into thinking they were sites for Republican-leaning think tanks that have criticized President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.CreditGulshan Khan/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images By David E. Sanger and Sheera […]

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How Russian Spies Hid Behind Bitcoin in Hacking Campaign

How Russian Spies Hid Behind Bitcoin in Hacking Campaign ImageA Justice Department indictment revealed how Russian operatives used Bitcoin to facilitate a 2016 hacking campaign. Bitcoin is mined by hundreds of computers, as shown here.CreditMaxim Zmeyev/Getty Images By Nathaniel Popper and Matthew Rosenberg July 13, 2018 SAN FRANCISCO — In early 2016, Russian intelligence officers […]