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The top 3 best-selling games of all time is a surprising list of games that have all sold over 100 million copies apiece

Grand Theft Auto 5 (cash)Rockstar Games“Grand Theft Auto 5” is stacking paper.

The three best-selling games of all time are all 100 million-plus sellers.

The list spans nearly four decades of video games, starting in 1984 and ending in 2013. It crosses every major game console released since the original Nintendo Entertainment System, and a wide variety of game genres.

The most recent entrant to the 100 million-plus club – “Grand Theft Auto 5” – is the newest of the top three, and it’s available on the fewest platforms: Just Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Having passed 100 million copies sold in the past few months, it’s the youngest of the three games.

Here’s the full list:

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